Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How many is too many?

In the eternal struggle for that seemingly impossible balance between living life and doing housework, I'm starting to ponder the important questions and tackling the big issues.  I have started the process of de-cluttering my surroundings, only to find myself surrounded by clutter again within a short period of time.  I have attempted living with the question of "Where does this live?" every time I pick something up, but found that quite frequently the answer was "I have no idea" or have discovered that where it could possibly, and logically, belong is utterly cluttered anyway, and the whole concept fizzled away like so many of the other bright sparks around here.

There has been progress made in places, and partial progress made in others.  In some ways, and on occasion, it is comforting to see these places as reminders of the long term goal, and to draw strength.  Other times, they just serve as reminders that it IS a long term goal, and then I simply feel completely daunted.  But then I am forced to remember that something has to be done, and since I'm the one who has to do it, I better start somewhere.

So, once again, I am starting somewhere.  This time with the laundry.

It's not a chore I particularly hate or enjoy.  It's just something that is there that needs to be done.  Clothes are washed and dried, but then seem to congregate in a great mass of unfolded clutter in the corner of the bedroom, the laundry baskets overflowing, the wrinkled un-ironed uniforms becoming more wrinkled the longer they are left un-ironed.  That's also a chore I neither particularly hate or enjoy.  It just seems difficult to muster enthusiasm for a chore that is so repetitive and unending.

So, how to get through this?  At times, there seems to be too many clothes for the number of bodies that need to wear them, prompting the thought - are there too many clothes?  Just how many is too many?

I'm going to try to figure this out, preferably with some help, and come up with a solution for just how many items of each clothings type is really needed in this house.  Maybe it will help when things need to be repaired or replaced.  I'm sure it will help when it comes to the pile in the corner and the scary possibility that one day it will develop sentience to the point where it demands it's own bedroom.

How many is too many?  Is it possible to have too many t-shirts?  Too many shoes?  Too many single socks yearning for a mate?  What should be found in a de-cluttered and well organised wardrobe and how many?  What do you think?

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