Thursday, August 12, 2010

Clothes - the continuing saga

With another load of laundry rumbling away in the drier on yet another drizzly day here in Rauen-Land, my mind is once again brought back to the question of clothes.

Over the last few years, I've wondered about the things I wear, and if I should be doing something different.  Usually these thoughts occur when there is an event I need to attend and I'm staring at all the garments around me.  Since I'm working at/from home, I don't have a large supply 'good' clothes, so dressing for any event that requires something other than jeans tends to send me into various levels of frustration.  I've wondered about how to simplify my wardrobe to a uniform of sorts, but when it comes to the crunch, I'm never sure how or where to start.  Yes, I have the fabulous qualities of indecision and procrastination in my favour.

I've also started to come to the dreaded realisation that I'm getting older, and consequently so is much of my wardrobe.  I have underwear that I purchased in another time and place, almost in another life, and many of my shirts are starting to show their age.  I really need to do something, and really need to start somewhere, and perhaps this is a perfect time to put myself first.

Is this the time to start?  Perhaps it is.  I still have a mass of laundry to fold, sort and put away.  Perhaps while doing that, I'll empty and organise and choose today to start de-cluttering more of my life.  And who knows, if I have fewer reminders of how old I am, maybe I won't feel as old as I do.

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